Michael H. Huneke
Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
Phone: +1 (202) 721-4714
Email: michael.huneke@hugheshubbard.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mhuneke/
Website: hugheshubbard.com
Michael H. Huneke is a Co-Chair of the Sanctions, Export Controls, and AML practice group and a partner in the Global Investigations, Enforcement and Compliance practice group at Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP.
Mike advises clients on internal investigations related to anti-corruption, economic sanctions, and export controls laws or regulations; on proactive, preventative compliance program design and implementation; and on responding if necessary to external investigations. Mike also advises companies subject to post-resolution monitorships or other commitments, advises companies regarding the design and implementation risk-based strategies for due diligence, and assists companies with conducting or responding to pre- and post-acquisition anti-corruption, sanctions, or export controls due diligence and integration.
Mike is a frequent contributor to the NYU Program on Corporate Compliance & Enforcement (“PCCE”) blog on sanctions and export controls topics, including the overlap between historical FCPA and current EAR enforcement and the shared “high probability” standard of awareness under both.